
Publicaciones 2017

– Publicación de Artículos ISI

  • Jara Zapata Pamela Andrea(Autor), «A new report of craspedacusta sowerbii (lankester, 1880) in southern chile», BIOINVASIONS RECORDS, 6(1) 25-31 (2017)
  • Pascual Aburto Guillermo (Autor), Calderón Orellana Arturo (Co-autor), López Belchí María Dolore(Co-autor), Serra Stepke Ignacio Marcelo(Co-autor) «Changes in concentration of volatile compounds in response to defoliation of muscat of alexandria grapevines grown under a traditional farming system», CHILEAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, 77(4) 373-381 (2017)
  • Gerding Gonzalez Macarena(Autor), Fischer Ganzoni Susana Ursina(Co-autor) «Diversity and symbiotic effectiveness of adesmia spp. root nodule bacteria in central and southern chile», SYMBIOSIS, 72 61-72 (2017)
  • Arismendi Solís Nolberto (Autor), «Lecanicillium attenuatum isolates affecting the invasive cypress aphid (cinara cupressi) in chile», BIOCONTROL, 62 625-637 (2017)
  • Arismendi Solís Nolberto (Autor), «Neozygites linanensis sp. nov., a fungal pathogen infecting bamboo aphids in southeast china», MYCOTAXON, 132(2) 305-315 (2017)
  • Sandoval Estrada Marco Antonio(Autor), Stolpe Neal Brian(Co-autor) «Nitrogen mineralization in an alfisol amended with thermoelectrical industry by-products», CHILEAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, 77(4) 400-405 (2017)
  • Sandoval Estrada Marco Antonio(Co-autor) «Possible environmental implications due to heavy metals resistance of isolated bacteria from excreta of humboldt penguin», INTERCIENCIA, 42(5) 324-330 (2017)
  • Fischer Ganzoni Susana Ursina(Autor), Bustamante Gutiérrez Luis(Co-autor) «Protein and antioxidant composition of quinoa (chenopodium quinoa willd.) sprout from seeds submitted to water stress, salinity and light conditions», INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS, 107 558-564 (2017)
  • Silva Aguayo Gonzalo Iván(Autor), Figueroa Cares Inés Eradia(Co-autor), Fischer Ganzoni Susana Ursina(Co-autor), Urbina Parra Maria Angelica(Co-autor) «Repellency of boldo, chilean laurel, and tepa essential oil mixtures against the maize weevil», SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST, 42(2) 551-562 (2017)
  • Sandoval Estrada Marco Antonio(Autor), «Short-term response of soil enzyme activities in achlorpyrifos-treated mesocosm: use of enzyme-based indexes «, ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 73 525-535 (2017)
  • Silva Aguayo Gonzalo Iván(Autor), «Susceptibilities of geographic populations of helicoverpa zea (lepidoptera: noctuidae) in mexico to bt¿-endotoxins cry1ac and cry2ab: an 18-yr study», JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY, 110(5) 2207-2216 (2017)
  • Sandoval Estrada Marco Antonio(Co-autor) «The impact of penguins on the content of trace elements and nutrients in coastal soils of north western chile and the antarctic peninsula area «, WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION, 228(116) 1-15 (2017)
  • Vargas Concha Yolanda Mar(Autor), Arismendi Solís Nolberto (Co-autor), Zapata San Martin Nelson (Co-autor) «Viral and intestinal diseases detected in apis mellifera in central and southern chile», CHILEAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, 77(3) 243-249 (2017)
  • Gerding Gonzalez Macarena(Autor), «Water relations and use-efficiency, plant survival and productivity of nine alfalfa (medicago sativa l.) cultivars in dryland mediterranean conditions», EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY, 84 16-22 (2017)

– Publicación de Artículos SCIELO NO ISI

  • Cordova Saez Carolin Guillermina(Autor), Zagal Venegas Erick Manuel(Co-autor) «An alternative method to measure available sulphur by ion chromatograhy in volcanic soils», CHILEAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL & ANIMAL SCIENCES , 33(2) 117-123 (2017)
  • Silva Aguayo Gonzalo Iván(Autor), Figueroa Cares Inés Eradia(Co-autor), Fischer Ganzoni Susana Ursina(Co-autor) «Insecticidal, repellent and antifeeding activity of powder and essential oil of schinus molle l. fruits against sitophilus zeamais (motschulsky)», CHILEAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL & ANIMAL SCIENCES , 33(2) 93-104 (2017)
  • Velasco Pizarro Valeria C(Autor), Campos Parra Jorge Arturo(Co-autor), Williams Salinas Pamela A(Co-autor) «Storage stability of poultry meat from broilers fed with dry oregano (origanum vulgare l.) in the diet», CHILEAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL & ANIMAL SCIENCES , 33(1) 28-38 (2017)

– Publicación de Artículos Corriente Ppal. No ISI

  • Chandia Vejar Luis Alejandro(Co-autor), Merino Hinrichsen Ricardo Eleuterio(Co-autor), Serra Stepke Ignacio Marcelo(Co-autor) «Effect of shoot orientation on vegetative growth, yield parameters and berry composition in grapevine (vitis vinifera l.)», ACTA HORTICULTURAE, 1157 11-16 (2017)
  • Serra Stepke Ignacio Marcelo(Autor), «Grapevine (vitis vinifera l. ´pinotage´) leaf stomatal size and density as modulated by different rootstocks and scion water status.», ACTA HORTICULTURAE, 1157 177-182 (2017)

– Publicación de Artículos Otro Tipo de Publicación

  • Finot Saldias Victor Lionel(Co-autor) «Endemic species of family poaceae in chile: taxonomy, distribution and conservation», SIN REVISTA, 63-86 (2017)
  • Serra Stepke Ignacio Marcelo(Autor), «Itata valley: how traditional farming and geomorphological characteristics can became from a limiting factor to a key factor in competitiveness», SIN REVISTA, 19-27 (2017)
Publicaciones 2015
  • – Retamal-Salgado, J., Bastías, R., Wilckens, R. and Paulino, L, ”Influence of microclimate conditions under high tunnels on the physiological and productive responses in blueberry O’Neal”, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 75, 291-297 (2015)
  • – López, M.D. and Pacual-Villalobos, M.J, “Are monoterpenoids and phenylpropanoids efficient inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase from stored product insect strains?”, Flavour and Fragance Journal 30, 108-112 (2015)
  • – Pacual-Villalobos, M.J., López, M.D., Castañé, C., Soler, A., and Riudavets, J, “Encapsulated essential oil as an alternative to insecticides in funnel traps”, Journal of Economic Entomolgy 108(4), 2117- 2120 (2015)
  • – Moya-Elizondo, E., Arismendi, N., Castro, M., C. and Doussoulin, H, “Distribution and prevalence of crown rot pathogens affecting wheat crops in southern Chile”, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 75, 78-84 (2015)
  • – Torres, C., Silva, G., Tapia., Rodríguez, J., Urbina, A., Figueroa, I., Lagunes, A., Santillán-Ortega, C., Robles- Bermídez, A. y Aguilar-Medel, S, “Propiedades insecticidas del polvo de Laurelia sempervirens L. para el control de Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)”, Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas 14(1), 48-59 (2015)
  • – Pinto, A., Alzamora, R. and Apiolaza, L, “Using Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) to analyze the selection of radiata pine trees for deployment objectives”, Revista Bosque 36(1), 133-137 (2015)
  • – Campos, J., De Pedro-Sanz, E., Iturriaga-Astorga, D., Astudillo, R., Basso-Basso, I. y Cabas- Monje, J, “Modelos predictivos de niveles de marmirización en novillos mestizos Wagyu generados por ultrasonografía y tratamiento de imágenes”, Revista Científica FCV-LUZ XXV(2), 116-122 (2015)
  • – Baeza, C., Finot, V. and Ruiz, E, “Comparative karyotype analysis in the Alstroemeria presliana Herbert (Alstroemeriaceae) complex in Chile”, Genetics and Molecular Biology 38, 199-204 (2015)
  • – Molina-Montenegro, M., Pertierra, L., Razeto-Barry, P., Díaz, J., Finto, V. and Torres-Díaz, C, “A recolonization record of the invasive Poa annua in Paradise bay, Antarctic Peninsula: Modelling of the potential spreading risk”, Polar Biology 38, 1091-1096 (2015)
  • – Finot, V., Baeza, C., Melin, P., Novoa, P., Campos, J., Ruíz, E., Fuentes, G., Albornoz, P. y Carrasco, P, “¿Es Alstroemeria pulchra Sims var. maxima Phil. (Alstroemeriaceae) un miembro del complejo A. magnifica Herbert?, Estudio colorimétrico de los tépalos externos e internos de la flor” Gayana Botánica 72, 101-113 (2015)
  • – Villaseñor, D., Zagal, E., Stolpe, N. and Hirzel, J, “Relationship between mineralized nitrogen during anaerobic incubations and the residual effect of nitrogen fertilization in two rice paddy soils in Chile”, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 75 (1), 98−104 (2015)
  • – Dörner, J., Huertas, J., Cuevas, J., Leiva, C., Paulino, L., and Arumí, J. “Water content dynamics in a volcanic ash soil slope in southern Chile”, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 178(4), 696-702 (2015)
  • – Doetterl, S., Stevens, A., Six, J., Merckx, R., Van Oost, K., Casanova, M., Casanova-Kathy, A., Muñoz, C., Boudin, M., Zagal, E. and Boeckx, P, “Soil carbon storage controlled by interactions between geochemistry and climate”, Nature Geoscience 8, 780- 785 (2015)
  • – Reyes-Escobar, J., Zagal, E., Sandoval, M., Navia, R. and Muñoz, C, “Development of a biochar-plant extracts based nitrification inhibitor and its application in field conditions”, Sustainability 7(10), 13585-13596 (2015)
  • – Mengual, C., Schoebitz, M., Caravaca, F. and Roldán, A, “Assessment of the potential role of Streptomyces strains in the revegetation of semiarid sites: the relative incidence of strain origin and plantation site on plant performance and soil quality indicators”, Biology and Fertility Soils, 1-12 (2015)
  • – Espinoza, S., Ovalle, C., Zagal, E., Matus, I. and del Pozo, A, “Contribution of legumes to the availability of soil nitrogen and its uptake by wheat in Mediterranean environments of central Chile”, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 75(1), 111-121 (2015)
  • – Kosmas, C., Kairis, OR., Karavitis, Ch., Acikalin, S., Alcala, M., Alfama, P., Atlhopheng, J., Barrera, J., Belgacem, A., Sole´-Benet, A., Brito, L., Chaker, M., Chanda, R., Darkoh, M., Ermolaeva, O., Fassouli, V., Fernandez, F., Gokceoglu, C., Gonzalez, D., Gungor, H., Hessel, R., Khatteli, H., Khitrov, N., Kounalaki ,A., Laouina, A., Magole, L., Medina, L., Mendoza, M., Mulale, K., Ocakoglu, F., Ouessar, M., Ovalle, C., Pérez, C., Perkins, J., Pozo, A., Prat, C., Ramos, A., Ramos, J., Riquelme, J., Ritsema, C., Romanenkov, V. Sebego. R., Sghaier, M., Silva, N., Sizemskaya, M., Sonmez, H., Taamallah, H., Tezcan, L., de Vente, J., Zagal. E., Zeiliguer, A. and Salvati, L, “An exploratory analysis of land abandonment drivers in areas prone to desertification”, Catena 128, 252-261 (2015)
  • – Velasco, V., Buyukcangaz, E. Sherwood, J.S., Stepan, R.M., Koslofsky, R.J. and Logue, C.M.. Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus from humans and a comparison with isolates of animal origin, in North Dakota, United States. PLOS ONE. 10(10):e0140497 (2015).
  • – Hirzel, J., Stolpe, N., and Rodriguez, F. “Optimizing the nitrogen rate in the rice crop in relation to soil mineralized nitrogen with anaerobic incubation without shaking to different times and temperatures”. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(43), 4010-4024 (2015).
  • – Herrera-Rodrígez, C, C. Ramírez-Mendoza, I. Becerra- Morales, G. Silva-Aguayo, A. Urbina-Parra, I. Figueroa-Cares, L. Martínez-Bolaños, J.C. Rodríguez, A. Lagunes-Tejeda, E. Pastene-Navarrete and L. Bustamante-Salazar. “Bioactivity of Peumus boldus Molina, Laurelia sempervirens (Ruz et Pau) Tul and Laureliopsis phillippiana (Looser) Schode against Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 75(3), 334-340 (2015).
  • M. Inmaculada González-Martín, Olga Escuredo, Isabel Revilla, Ana M. Vivar-Quintana,M. Carmen Coello, Carlos Palacios Riocerezo and Guillermo Wells Moncada. Determination of the Mineral Composition and Toxic Element Contents of Propolis by Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Sensors 15, 27854-27868 (2015)
Publicaciones 2014
  • – Escudero, O., González, M., Wells, G., Fischer, S. and Hernández, J, “Amino acids profile of the quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) using Near Infrared Spectroscopy and chemometric techniques”, Journal of Cereal Science 60, 67-74 (2014)
  • – González, M., Wells, G., Fischer, S. and Escudero, O, “Chemical characteristics and mineral composition of quinoa by near infrared spectroscopy”, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 94, 876-881 (2014)
  • – Gerding , M., O’Hara, G., Howieson, J. and Bräu, L, “Overcoming non-selective nodulation of Lessertia spp. by soil-borne rhizobium in the presence of inoculant Mesorhizobium”, Plant and Soil 380, 117-132 (2014)
  • – Serra, I., Strever A., Myburgh, PA. and Deloire, A, “Review of the interaction between rootstocks and cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) to enhance drought tolerance in grapevine”, Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 20, 1-14 (2014)
  • – Rodríguez, M., Vargas, M., Antúnez, K., Gerding, M., Castro, F. and Zapata, N, “Prevalence and phylogenetic analysis of honey bee viruses in the Bíobio Region, Chile, and their association with other honey bee pathogens”, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 74(2), 170-177 (2014)
  • – González, M. Wells, G., González, C., Zapata, N., López-González, F., Lobos, I. and Hernández-Hierro, J.M, “Chilean flour and wheat grain: Tracing their origin using Near Infrared Spectroscopy and chemometrics”, Food Chemistry 145, 802-806 (2014)
  • – Alarcón, J., González, R., Ferrada, D., Campos, J., Finot, V., Werner, E. and Céspedes, C, “Germination inhibitory activity of selected plants from Central South of Chile”, Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas 13(4), 351-358 (2014)
  • – Fuentealba-Sandoval, V., Finot, V., Wilckens, R. and López-Sepúlveda, P, “Efecto de la disminución de temperatura sobre el desarrollo de la pared de la antera y grano de polen en Oryza sativa L. ‘Diamante-INIA’, ‘Brillante- INIA’ y ‘Zafiro- INIA”, Gayana Botánica 71, 246-258 (2014)
  • – Finot, V, “Taxonomía del género Phalaris L. (Poaceae: Pooideae: Phalaridinae) en Chile”, Gayana Botánica 71(2), 246-258 (2014)
  • – Finot, V., Contreras, L., Ulloa, W., Marticorena, A., Baeza, C., y Ruiz, R, “El género Polypogon (Poaceae: Agrostidinae) en Chile”, Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 7(1,: 169-194 (2014)
  • – Velasco, V., Sherwood, JS., Rojas-García, P. and Loque, C, “Multiplex real-time PCR for detection of Staphylococcus aureus, meca and Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL) genes from selective enrichments from animals and retail meat”, Plos One 10(5), 1-8 (2014)
  • – Mesas-Carrasco, F., Clavero, I., Barrera, J. y García-Ferrer, P, “Evaluación de la calidad de posición de Ortofotos Obtenidos a partir de sensores a bordo Multi-Rotor Plataformas UAV”, Sensors (Basel) 14(12), 22394-22407 (2014)
  • – Mengual, C., Roldán, A., Caravaca, F. y Schoebitz, M, “Ventajas de la inoculación con rizobacterias inmovilizados frente a la enmienda con la basura de oliva-molino en la forestación de una zona semiárida con Pinus halepensis Molino”, Ecological Engineering 73, 1-8 (2014)
  • – Cuevas, J., Huertas, J., Leiva, C., Paulino, L., Dörner, J. and Arumí, J, “Nutrient retention in a microcatchment with low levels of anthropogenic pollution”, Bosque 35(1), 75-88 (2014)
  • – Muñoz, C., Quilodrán, C. and Navia, R, “Evaluation of Biochar-Plant extracts complexes on soil nitrogen dynamics”, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 8(3), 377-385 (2014)
  • – Kosmas, C., Kairis, OR., Karavitis, Ch., Ritsema, C., Salvati, L., Acikalin, S., Alcala, M., Alfama, P., Atlhopheng, J., Barrera, J., Belgacem, A., Sole´-Benet, A., Brito, L., Chaker, M., Chanda, R., Coelho, C., Darkoh, M., Diamantis, J., Ermolaeva, O., Fassouli, V., Fei, W., Feng, J., Fernandez, F., Ferreira, A., Gokceoglu, C., González, D., Gungor, H., Hessel, R., Juying, J., Khatteli, H., Khitrov, N., Kounalaki ,A., Laouina, A., Lollino, P., Lopes, M., Magole, L., Medina, L., Mendoza, M., Morais, P., Mulale, K., Ocakoglu, F., Ouessar, M., Ovalle, C., Pérez, C., Perkins, J., Pliakas, F., Polemio, M., Pozo, A., Prat, C., Qinke, Y., Ramos, A., Ramos, J., Riquelme, J., Romanenkov, V., Rui, L., Santaloia, F., Sebego. R., Sghaier, M., Silva, N., Sizemskaya, M., Soares, J., Sonmez, H.,
    Taamallah, H., Tezcan, L., Torri, D., Ungaro, F., Valente, S., de Vente, J., Zagal. E., Zeiliguer, A., Zhonging, W. and Ziogas, A, “Evaluation and selection of indicators for land degradation and desertification monitoring: Methodological approach”, Environmental Management 54, 951-970 (2014)
  • – Kosmas, C., Kairis, OR., Karavitis, Ch., Ritsema, C., Salvati, L., Acikalin, S., Alcala, M., Alfama, P., Atlhopheng, J., Barrera, J., Belgacem, A., Sole´-Benet, A., Brito, L., Chaker, M., Chanda, R., Coelho, C., Darkoh, M., Diamantis, J., Ermolaeva, O., Fassouli, V., Fei, W., Feng, J., Fernandez, F., Ferreira, A., Gokceoglu, C., Gonzalez, D., Gungor, H., Hessel, R., Juying, J., Khatteli, H., Khitrov, N., Kounalaki ,A., Laouina, A., Lollino, P., Lopes, M., Magole, L., Medina, L., Mendoza, M., Morais, P., Mulale, K., Ocakoglu, F., Ouessar, M., Ovalle, C., Perez, C., Perkins, J., Pliakas, F., Polemio, M., Pozo, A., Prat, C., Qinke, Y., Ramos, A., Ramos, J., Riquelme, J., Romanenkov, V., Rui, L., Santaloia, F., Sebego. R., Sghaier, M., Silva, N., Sizemskaya, M., Soares, J., Sonmez, H., Taamallah, H., Tezcan, L., Torri, D., Ungaro, F., Valente, S., de Vente, J., Zagal. E., Zeiliguer, A., Zhonging, W., and Ziogas, A, “Evaluation and selection of indicators for land degradation and desertification monitoring: Types of degradation, causes, and implications for management”, Environmental Management 54, 971-982 (2014).
  • – Rivera, P., G. Silva, I. Figueroa, M. Tapia, and J.C. Rodríguez. 2014. Effect of vacuum storage on shelf life of a grain protector based on Peumus boldus Molina foliage powder and lime against Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 74(1),49-54 (2014).
  • – Torres, C., G. Silva, M. Tapia, J.C. Rodríguez, I. Figueroa, A. Lagunes, C. Santillán, A. Robles, S. Aguilar and I. Tucuch. “Insecticidal activity of Laurelia sempervirens (Ruiz & Pav.) Tul. essential oil against Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky”. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 74(4), 421-426 (2014).
  • – Jarquín-Nieto, I., J.C. Rodríguez-Maciel, A. Lagunes-Tejeda, C. Llanderal-Cázares, V.M. Pinto, C. Nava-Díaz y G. Silva-Aguayo. “Citicininas y protector floral para incrementar la calidad del botón floral en rosa de corte”. Revista Chapingo, Serie Horticultura, 20(3),297-305 (2014).
Publicaciones 2013
  • – Gerding , M., Howieson, J., O’Hara, G., Real, D. and Bräu, L, “Establishment and survival of the South African legume Lessertia spp. and Rhizobia in Western Australian agricultural systems”, Plant and Soil 370, 235-249 (2013)
  • – Balbontín, C., Ayala, H., Bastías, R., Tapia, G., Ellena, M., Torres, C., Yuri, J.A., Quero-García, J., Ríos, J.C. and Silva, H, “Cracking in sweet cherries: A comprehensive review from a physiological, molecular and genomic perspective”, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 73(1), 66-72 (2013)
  • – Moya-Elizondo, E., Arismendi, N., Montalva, C. and Doussoulin, H, “First report of Fusarium sporotrichioides causing foliar spot on forage corn in Chile”, Plant Disease 97(8), 1113 (2013)
  • – Moya-Elizondo, E, “Fusarium crown rot disease: biology, interactions, management and function as a possible sensor of global climate change”, Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 40, 235-252 (2013)
  • – Fischer, S., Wilckens, R., Jara, J. and Aranda, M, “Variation in antioxidant capacity of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Will) subjected to drought stress”, Industrial Crops and Products 45, 341- 349 (2013)
  • – Wells Moncada, G., González, M., Escudero, O., Fischer, S. and Míguez, M, “Multivariate calibration by Near Infrared Spectroscopy for the determination of the vitamin E and the antioxidant properties of the quinoa”, Talanta 116, 65-70 (2013)
  • – Fischer, S., Wilckens, R., Jara, J. and Aranda, M, “Controlled water stress to improve functional and nutritional quality in quinoa seed”, Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas 12(5), 457-468 (2013)
  • – Pinto, A., Raffensperger, J., Cochrane, T., and Grant Read, E, “A proposed smart market design for sediment discharge”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 139(1), 96-108 (2013)
  • – Vidal, L., Avello, M., Loyola, C., Campos J., Aqueveque, P., Dungan, S., Galotto, M. and Guarda, A, “Microencapsulation of maqui (Aristotelia chilensis [Molina] Stuntz) leaf extracts to preserve and control antioxidant properties”, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 73(1), 17-23 (2013)
  • – Buyukcangaz, E., Velasco, V., Sherwood, J.S., Stepan, R.M., Koslofsky, R.J. and Loque. C.M, “Molecular typing of Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolated from retail meat and animals in North Dakota, USA”, Foodborne Pathogens and Diseases 10, 608-617 (2013)
  • – Zagal, E., Córdova, C., Sohi, SP. and Powlson, DS, “Free and intra-aggregate organic matter as indicators of soil quality change in volcanic soils under contrasting crop rotations”, Soil Use and Management 29(4), 531-539 (2013)
  • – Quezada, C., Hernaiz, S., Vidal, I., Alvarado, R., Gallegos, R. and Yañez, W, “Selection of rice genotypes (Oryza sativa) with high nitrogen agronomic efficiency in an Acuic Durixererts soil, central-southern Chile”, Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 40(2), 375-385 (2013)
  • – Cuevas, J., Horn, R., Seguel, O. and Dörner, J, “Hydraulic conductivity variation in Chilean volcanic soils due to wheeling and management”, Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 13(3), 756-766 (2013)
  • – Dube, F., Thevathasan, N., Stolpe, N., Zagal, E., Gordon, A., Espinoza, M. and Saez, K, “Selected carbon fluxes in Pinus ponderosa based silvopastoral systems, exotic plantations and natural pastures on volcanic soils in the Chilean Patagonia”, Agroforestry Systems 87, 525-542 (2013)
  • – Solís, A., Vidal, I., Paulino, L., Johnson, B., and Berti, M. “Camelina seed yield response to nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus fertilizer in South Central Chile”, Industrial Crop and Products 44, 132-138 (2013)
  • – Celis, J. E., Sandoval, M., Martínez, B., and Quezada, C. “Effect of organic and mineral amendments upon soil respiration and microbial biomass in a saline-sodic soil”, Ciencia e Investigación Agraria, 40(3): 571-580.
  • – Pizarro, D., G. Silva, M. Tapia, J.C. Rodríguez, A. Urbina, A. Lagunes, C. Santillán, A. Robles y S. Aguilar. “Actividad insecticida del polvo de Peumus boldus Molina (Monimiaceae) contra Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)”. Bol. Latinoam. Caribe Plant Med. Aromat., 12(4), 420-430 (2013).
  • – Silva, G., J.C. Rodríguez, C.A. Blanco and A. Lagunes. 2013. Bioactivity of a water extract of boldus (Peumus boldus Molina) against Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) and Helicoverpa zea Boddie (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 73(2),135-141 (2013).
Publicaciones 2012
  • – Berti, M., Fischer, S., Wilckens, R., Hevia, F. and B. Johnson, “Adaptation and genotype x environment interaction of flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) genotypes in South Central Chile”, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 70(3), 345-356 (2010)
  • – Ortiz. A., Silva, G., Urbina, A., Zapata, N., Rodríguez, C. and A. Lagunes, “Bioactivity of tepa (Laureliopsis philippiana (Looser) Shodde) power to Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky control in laboratory”, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 72(1), 68-73 (2012)
  • – Gerding, M., William, G., Bräu, l., Nandasena, K. and Howieson, J, ” Diverse mesorhizobium spp. with unique noda nodulating the South African legume species of the genus Lessertia”, Plant Soil 358(1), 385-401 (2012)
  • – Bastías, R., Manfrini, L., and Corelli-Grappadelli, L, “Exploring the potential use of photo-selective nets for fruit growth regulation in apple”, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 72(2), 224-231 (2012)
  • – Bastías, R., and Corelli-Grappadelli, L, “Light quality management in fruit orchards: physiological and technological aspects”, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 72(4), 574-581 (2012)
  • – Vargas, M., Loyola, C., Zapata, N., Rivera, V., Secor, G., Bolton, M. and Francia, A, “First report of root rot of chicory caused by Phytophthora cryptogea in Chile”, Plant Disease 96(4), 591 (2012)
  • – Vargas, M., Garrido, F., Zapata, N. and Tapia, M, “Isolation and selection of epiphytic yeast for biocontrol of Botrytis cinerea pers. on table grapes”, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 72(3), 332-337 (2012)
  • – Zapata, N., Vargas, M., Reyes, J.F. and Belmar, G, “Quality of biodiesel and press cake obtained from Euphorbia lathyris, Brassica napus, and Ricinus communis”, Industrial Crops and products 28, 1-5 (2012)
  • – Martínez–Bolaños, L., Téliz–Ortiz, D., Rodríguez–Maciel, C., Mora–Aguilera, J., Nieto–Ángel, D., Cortés–Flores, J., Mejía–Sánchez, D., Nava–Díaz, C. y Silva-Aguayo, G, “Resistencia a fungicidas en poblaciones de Mycosphaerella fijiensis provenientes del sureste mexicano”, Agrociencia (México) 46(7), 707-717 (2012)
  • – Ortiz, M., Silva, G., Tapia, M., Rodríguez, J., Lagunes, M., Santillán-Ortega, T., Robles-Bermúdez, A. and Aguilar-Medel, S, “Toxicity of boldo Peumus boldus Molina for Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky and Tribolium castaneum Herbst”, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 72(3), 345-349 (2012)
  • – Rodríguez, M., Vargas, M., Gerding, M., Navarro, H. and Antúnez, K, “Viral infection and Nosema ceranae in honey bees (Apis mellifera) in Chile”, Journal of apicultural research 51(3), 285-287 (2012)
  • -Suazo, G., González, F., Urbina, A., Pastene, E., Sáez, K., Serri, H. y Chavéz, R, “Actividad insecticida del aceite esencial de Lepechinia chamaedryoides (Balb.) Epling (“alhuelahuen”) en Drosophila melanogaster”, Gayana Botánica 69(2) (2012)
  • – Finot, V. and Pedreros, A, “Phalaris paradoxa L. (Poaceae: Phalaridinae), a new introduced weed species in Central Chile”, Gayana Botánica 69(1), 110-113 (2012)
  • – Cuba-Díaz, M., Troncoso, J., Cordero, C., Finot, V., and Rondanelli-Reyes, M, “Juncus bufonius, a new non-native vascular plant in King George Island, south Shetland Islands”, Antarctic Science 25(3), 385-386 (2012)
  • – Stolpe, N, “Century simulated organic carbon content in soilds of south central Chile with diverse ratios of 1500 kpa water to measured clay”, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B – Soil and Plant Science 63(1), 11-18 (2012)
  • – Espinoza, S., Ovalle, C., Zagal, E., Matus, I., Tay, J., Pueblos, M. and Del Pozo, A, “Contribution of legumes to wheat productivity in Mediterranean environments of central Chile”, Field Crops Research 133, 150-159 (2012)
  • – Muñoz, C., Torres, P., Alvear, M. and Zagal, E, “Physical protection of c and greenhouse gas emissions provided by soil macroaggregates from a Chilean cultivated volcanic soil”, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B – Soil and Plant Science 62(6), 556-564 (2012)
  • – Suescun, F., Paulino, L., Zagal, E., Ovalle, C. and Muñoz, C, “Plant extracts from the Mediterranean zone of Chile potentially affect soil microbial activity related to n transformations: a laboratory experiment”, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B – Soil and Plant Science 62(8), 739-748 (2012)
  • – Zagal, E., Muñoz, C., Espinoza, S. and Campos, J, “Soil profile distribution of total C content and natural abundance of 13C in two volcanic soils subjected to crop residue burning versus crop residue retention”, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B – Soil and Plant Science 62 (3), 263-272 (2012)
  • – Dube, F., Espinosa, M., Stolpe, N., Zagal, E., Thevathasan, N. and Gordon, A, “Productivity and carbon storage in silvopastoral systems with Pinus ponderosa and Trifolium spp., plantations and pasture on an andisol in Patagonia, Chile”, Agroforestry Systems 86, 113-128 (2012)
  • – Dube, F., Thevathasan, N., Stolpe, N., Zagal, E., Gordon, A., Espinosa, M. and Sáez, K, “Selected carbon fluxes in Pinus ponderosa-based silvopastoral systems, exotic plantations and natural pastures on volcanic soils in the Chilean Patagonia”, Agroforestry Systems 87(3), 525-542 (2012)
  • – Hirzel, J., Cordero, K., Fernández, C., Acuña, J., Sandoval, M. and Zagal, E, “Soil potentially mineralizable nitrogen and its relation to rice production and nitrogen needs in two paddy rice soil Chile”, Journal of Plant Nutrition 35(3), 396-412 (2012)
  • – Martínez, I., Prat, C., Ovalle, C., Del Pozo, A., Stolpe, N. and Zagal, E, “Subsoiling improves conservation tillage in cereal production of severely degraded alfisols under Mediterranean climate”, Geoderma 189-109, 10-17 (2012)
  • – Romero, A., Aguado, I. and Yebra, M, “Estimation of dry matter content in leaves using normalized indexes and prospect molde inversion”, International Journal of Remote Sensing 33, 398-414 (2012).
Publicaciones 2011
  • – Berti, M., Wilckens, R., Fischer, S., Solis, A. y B. Johnson, «Seeding Date Influence on Camelina Seed Yield, Yield Components, and Oil Content in Chile», Indistrial Crops and Products 34, 1358-1365 (2011)
  • – Escobar, M., Berti, M., Matus, I., Tapia, M. y B. Johnson, «Genotype x Environment Interaction in Canola (Brassica napus L.) Seed Yield in Chile», Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 71(2), 175-186 (2011)
  • – Espinoza, S., Ovalle, C., del Pozo, A., Zagal, E. y S. Urquiaga, «Biological Fixation of N2 in Mono and Polyspecific Legume Pasture in the Humid Mediterranean Zone of Chile», Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 71(1), 132-139 (2011)
  • – Finot, V.L., Ulloa, W., Baeza, C.M., Marticorena, A. y E. Ruiz, «Micromorfología de la Lemma de los Géneros Polypogon. xAgropogon y Agrostis (Poaceae) en Chile», Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 5(1), 237-253 (2011)
  • – Fischer, S., Berti, M., Wilckens, R., Baeza, M., Pastene, E., Inostroza, L., Tramón, C. y W. González, «Characterization and Propagation of some Medicinal Plants in the Central-South Region of Chile», Industrial Crops and Products 34, 1313-1321(2011)
  • – Inostroza, L., Quezada, C., Inostroza, W., Matus, I., Tapia, M. y A. del Pozo, «Seedling Vigor Variation Among 80 Recombinant Chromosome Substitution Lines (RCSL) of Barley (Hordeum vulgare)», Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 38(1), 137-147 (2011)
  • – Loera, J., Lagunes-Tejeda, A., Rodriguez-Maciel, J., Naime, R., Nápoles, J., Pinto, V. y G. Silva, » Susceptibilidad a insecticidas en tres poblaciones mexicanas del trips del laurel, Gynaikothrips ficorum (Marchal) (Thysanoptera: Phaleothripidae)» Agrociencia 45(1), 67-73 (2011)
  • – Martínez, I., Ovalle, C., del Pozo, A., Uribe, H., Valderrama, N., Prat, C., Sandoval, M., Fernández, F. y E. Zagal, «Influence of conservation tillage and soil water content on crop yield in dryland compacted Alfisol of central Chile, Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 71, 615-622(2011).
  • – Muñoz C., Saggar, S., Berben, P., Giltrap, D. y N. Jha, «Influence of waiting time after insertion of base chamber into soil greenhouse gas fluxes produced», Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 71(4), 610-614 (2011).
  • – Muñoz, C., Paulino, L., Vera, J. y E. Zagal, «CO2 and N2O emissions from an andisol in Chile under a no till system using non-fixed closed chambers», Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 71(2), 275-282 (2011).
  • – Quezada, C., Fischer, S., Campos, J. y D. Ardiles, «Water Requirements and Water Use Efficiency of Carrot Under Drip Irrigation in a Haploxerand Soil», Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 11(1), 16-28 (2011)
  • – Sandoval, M.A., Celis, J.E. y P. Morales, «Structural Remediation of an Alfisol by Means of Sewage Sludge Amendments in Association with Yellow Serradela (Ornithopus compressus L.)», Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 11(1), 68-78 (2011)
  • – Santillán, C., Rodríguez, J.C., López, J., Díaz, O., Lagunes, A., Carrillo, J.L., Bernal, J.S., Robles, A., Aguilar, S. y G. Silva, «Susceptibilidad de Hembras y Machos de Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) Biotipo B y Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) a Thiamethoxan», Southwestern Entomologist 36(2), 167-176 (2011)
  • – Tay, J., Pedreros, A. y A. France, «Runner Bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) production in Chile», Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 1, 360-362 (2011).
  • – Velasco, V. y P. Williams, «Improving the Meat Quality Using Natural Antioxidants», Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 71(2), 313-322 (2011)
  •  Zapata, N., Vargas, M. y P. Medina, «Actividad Fitotóxica de un Extracto n-hexano Obtenido de la Corteza de Drimys winteri Sobre Cuatro Especies de Malezas», Planta Daninha 29(2), 323-331 (2011)
  • – Zapata, N., Vargas, M., Monsálvez, M. y R. Ceballos, «Crude Extracts of Drimys winteri Bark to Inhibit Growth of Gaeumannomyces graminis Var. tritici», Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 71(1), 45-51 (2011)
  • – Bastías R.,»Melicoltura di precisione:analisi spaziale de carico produttivo in relazione al diradamento dei frutti»,Frutticoltura,11,39-42(2011)
  • – Bastías R.,»Physiological aspects affected by photoselective nets in apples: preliminary studies»,Acta Horticulturae,907,217-220(2011)
  • – Quezada C. , Stolpe N. , «Efectos del método de riego intermitente en componentes de rendimiento y manejo del agua en once genotipos de arroz(Oryza sativa L)» , Agro-Ciencia 27(2), 105-115
  • – Quezada, C., Sandoval, M., Stolpe, N., Cerda, C. y E. Camacho, «Organic matter as predictor of soil hydraulic properties in volcanic ash soils of Chile», Annals of Agrarian Science 9(3), 41-47(2011)
  • – Quezada, C., Solís, E., Venegas, A. y M. Faúndez, «Efecto de cuatro niveles de aplicación de agua en rndimiento y calidad de un huerto de manzano (Malus domestica BORKH) Fuji bajo riego por goteo», Agro-Ciencia, 27(2), 65-75 (2011).
  • – Santillá, C., Rodríguez, J.C., López, J., Díaz, O., Lagunes, A., Silva, G. et al., «Susceptibilidad Base a Bifentrina en Poblaciones Mexicanas de Mosquita Blanca Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) y Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) Biotipo B (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae)», Agro-Ciencia 27(1), 49-54 (2011)
  • – Serra I.,»Madurez óptima de la baya – La importancia del color»,VITIS,43,44-48(2011)
  • – Velasco, V., Orellana, C., Williams, P., Campos, J. y P. Melín, «Parámetros de calidad de carne de caprinos alimentados con dieta suplementaria con orégeno (Origanum vulgare L.) seco», Agro-Ciencia, 27(2), 95-104 (2011)
  • – Dube, F., Thevathasan, N.V., Zagal, E., Gordon, A.M., Stolpe, N.B. y M. Espinosa, «Carbon Sequestration Potential of Silvopastoral and Other Land Use Systems in the Chilean Patagonia». In: Kumar, B. Mohan, Nair, P.K. R. Carbon Sequestration Potential of Agroforestry Systems: Opportunities and Challenges. Canada, Ed. Springer, 2011. 530p p 101-127
  •  Finot, V.L., Barrera, J.A., Marticorena C., y G. Rojas, «Systematic diversity of the family Poaceae», The Dynamical Processes of Biodiversity-Case Studies of Evolution and Spatial Distribution, 71-108 (2011).
Publicaciones 2010
  • – Berti, M., Fischer, S., Wilckens, R., Hevia, F. y B. Johnson, «Adaptation and Genotype x Environment Interaction of Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) Genotypes in South Central Chile», Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 70(3), 345-356 (2010)
  • – Berti, M., Fischer, S.Y., Wilckens, R.L., Hevia, M.F. y B.L. Johnson, «Borage (Borago officinalis L.) Response N, P, K, and S Fertilization in South Central Chile», Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 70(2), 228-236 (2010)
  • – Betancur, J., Silva, G., Rodríguez, J.C., Fischer, S. y N. Zapata, «Insecticidal Activity of Peumus boldus Molina Essential Oil Against Sitophilus zeamals Motschulsky», Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 70(3), 399-407 (2010)
  • – Campuzano, çA., Rodríguez, J.C., Lagunes, A., Llanderal, C., Terán, A.P., Vera, J., Vaquera, H. y G. Silva, «Aptitud Biológica de Poblaciones de Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) Biotipo B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) con Diferente Susceptibilidad al Insecticida Thiametoxam», Neotropical Entomology 39(3), 430-435 (2010)
  • – Finot, V.L., «Analysis of Species Boundaries in Trisetum Pers. Sect. Trisetaera Asch. & Graebn. (Poaceae) in America Using Statistical Multivariate Methods», Current Topics in Plant Biology 11, 39-74 (2010)
  • – Monsálvez, M., Zapata, N., Vargas, M., Berti, M., Bittner, M. y V. Hernández, «Antifungal Effects of n-hexane Extract and Essential Oil of Drimys winteri Bark Against Take-All Disease», Industrial Crops and Products 31, 239-244 (2010)
  • – Muñoz, C., Paulino, L., Monreal, C. y E. Zagal, «Greenhouse Gas (CO2 and N2O) Emissions from Soils: A Review», Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 73(3), 485-497 (2010)
  • – Sandoval, M., Celis, J., Stolpe, N. y J. Capulín, «Effect of Sewage Sludge and Salmon Wastes Amendments on the Structure of an Entisol and Alfisol in Chile», Agrociencia (México) 44(5), 503-515 (2010)
  • – Silva, G., Rodríguez, J.C., Lagunes, A., Llanderal, C., Alatorre, R., Shelton, A.M. y C.A. Blanco, «Bioactivity of Boldo (Peumus boldus Molina) (Laurales: Monimiaceae) on Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) and Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)», Southwestern Entomologist 35(3), 215-231 (2010)
  • – Stolpe, N.B., Dubé, F. y E. Zagal, «Calibration of CO2FIX to Native Forest, Pine Plantation, and Pasture on a Volcanic Soil of the Chilean Patagonia», Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B- Soil and Plant Science 60, 235-244 (2010)
  • – Tucuch-Hass, J.I., Rodríguez-Maciel, J.C., Lagunes-Tejeda, A., Silva-Aguayo, G., Aguilar-Medel, S., Robles-Bermudez, A. y J.M. González-Camacho, «Toxicidad de Spiromesifen en los Estados Biológicos de Bactericera cockerelli (Suic) (Hemiptera: Triozidae)», Neotropical Entomology 39(3), 436-440 (2010)
  • – Zapata, N., Lognay, G. y G. Smagghe, «Bioaactivity of Essential Oils from Leaves and Bark of laurelia sempervirens and Drimys winteri Against Acyrthosiphon pisum», Pest Management Science 66(12), 1324-1331 (2010)
  • – Zapata, N.-, Vargas, M., Medina, P., Viñuela, E., Rodríguez, B. y A. Fereres, «The Activity of a Selected Extract of Drimys winteri Bark and Polygodial on Settling and Probing Behavior of the Lettuce Aphid Nasonovia ribisnigri», Phytoparasitica 38(2), 191-198 (2010)
  • – Zapata,, N. y G. Smagghe, «Repellency and Toxicity of Essential Oils from the Leaves and Bark of Laurelia sempervirens and Drimys winteri Against Tribolium castaneum», Industrial Crops and Products 32(3), 405-410 (2010)
  • – Campos, J., Williams, P., Doussoulin, M., Tima, M. y J. Hadi, «Descripción del Comportamiento del Peso Vivo, Peso de Canal y Rendimiento de Bovinos Mediante Series de Tiempo», Agro-Ciencia 26(1), 36-44 (2010)
  • – Finot, V.L., «Sinopsis Taxonómica de Trisetum Pers. (Poaceae: Poeae: Aveninae) en Chile», Chloris Chilensis 12(2), 1-53 (2010)
  •  Serra, I. y V. Carey, «Sistema radical de la vid: importancia y principales factores que lo afectan», Ciencia Ahora 25, 69-79 (2010)
  • – Velasco, V., Parada, J., Williams, P., Campos, J. y P. Melín, «Estudio Preliminar de Calidad de Carne de Ovinos Alimentados con Dieta Suplementada con Orégano Seco», Agro-Ciencia 26(1), 45-53 (2010)
  • – Velasco, V., Quezada, J., Parra, C., Campos, J., Villalobos, R. y G. Wells, «Efecto de Diferentes Concentraciones de i-Carragenina y Sacarosa Sobre Algunas Características Físicas y Sensoriales de Manjar Sólido», Agro-Ciencia 26(1), 25-35 (2010)
Publicaciones 2009
  • – Alonso, C., García, I.M., Zapata, N. Y R. Pérez, «Variability In The Behavioural Responses Of Three Generalist Herbivores To The Most Abundant Coumarin In Daphne Laureola Leaves», Entomologia Experimentalis Et Applicata 132(1), 76-83 (2009)
  • – Berti, M., Fischer, S., Wilckens, R. Y F. Hevia, «Flaxseed Response To N, P, And K Fertilization In South Central Chile», Chilean Journal Of Agricultural Research 89(2), 145-153 (2009)
  • – Bustos, G., Osses, F., Silva, G., Tapia, M., Hepp, R. Y J.C. Rodríguez, «Insecticidal Properties Of Peumus Boldus Molina Powder Used Alone And Mixed With Lime Against Sitophilus Zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)», Chilean Journal Of Agricultural Research 69(3), 350-355 (2009)
  • – Campos, J., González, P., Doussoulin, M., Tima, M. Y P.A. Williams, «Predicción Del Indice De Calidad En Canales Bovinas Para Mercado Chileno De Elite Merdiante Modelación Matemática», Archivos De Medicina Veterinaria 66(1), 157-161 (2009)
  • – Dubé, F., Zagal, E., Stolpe, N. Y M. Espinosa, «The Influence Of Land-Use Change On The Organic Carbon Distribution And Microbial Respiration In A Volcanic Soil Of The Chilean Patagonia», Forest Ecology And Management 257, 1695-1704 (2009)
  • – Finot, V.L., Marticorena, C., Barrera, J.A., Muñoz, M. Y M.A. Negritto, «Diversidad De La Familia Poaceae (Gramineae) En La Región Del Bío-Bío, Chile, Basada En Colecciones De Herbario», Gayana Bot. 66(2), 134-157 (2009)
  • – Junod, J., Zagal, E., Sandoval, M., Barra, R., Vidal, G. Y M. Villarroel, «Effect Of Irrigation Levels On Dissolved Organic Carbon Soil Distribution And The Depth Mobility Of Chlorpyrifos», Chilean Journal Of Agricultural Research 69, 435-444 (2009)
  • – Junod, J., Zagal, E., Sandoval, M., Venegas, A., Campos, J., Radrigan, R., Barra, R. Y G. Vidal, «Variabilidad Asociada A La Determinación De Residuos De Clorpirifos Al Ser Aplicado En Un Huerto De Manzanos», Revista De La Ciencia Del Suelo Y Nutrición Vegetal 3, 176-189 (2009)
  • – Muñoz, C., Monrreal, C., Schnitzer, M. Y E. Zagal, «Analysis Of Soil Humic Acids In Particle Size Fractions Of An Alfisol From A Mediterranean-Type Climate», Geoderma 151, 199-203 (2009)
  • – Undurraga, P., Zagal, E., Sepúlveda, G. Y N. Valderrama, «Dissolved Organic Carbon And Nitrogen In Andisol For Six Crop Rotations With Different Soil Management Intensity», Chilean Journal Of Agricultural Research 69, 445-454 (2009)
  • – Zagal, E., Muñoz, C., Quiroz, M. Y C. Córdova, «Sensitivity Of Early Indicators For Evaluating Quality Changes In Soil Organic Matter», Geoderma 151, 191-198 (2009)
  • – Zapata, N., Budia, F., Viñuela, E. Y P. Medina, «Antifeedant And Growth Inhibitory Effets Of Extracts And Drimanes Of Drimys Winteri Stem Bark Against Spodoptera Littoralis (Lep. Noctuidae)», Industrial Crops And Products 20(1), 119-125 (2009)
  • – Cruzat, M., Silva, G., Serri, H. Y R. Hepp, «Protección De Ocho Cultivares De Trigo Con Polvo De Peumus Boldus Molina Contra Sitophilus Zeamais Motschulsky», Idesia (Chileo 27(2), 39-46 (2009).
  • – Andrade, Y., Silva, G., Zapata, N., Tapia, M., Rodríguez, J.C. Y A. Lagunes, «Toxicidad De Polvos De Canelo (Drimys Winteri J.R. Et G. Forster) Contra Sitophilus Zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) En Laboratorio», Agro-Ciencia 25(1), 32-40 (2009)
  • – Saavedra, G. Y L. Basáez, «La Ambigüedad En El Uso Del Peso Equivalente Y La Normalidad», Ciencia Ahora 24, 45-51 (2009)